I got on a plane and went to a certain facility. It was a cedar board pattern(floating construction) jumping off point...

I dealt with the joints in the concrete concrete wall. The cause is unknown, but once it was completed...

We repaired the cracked parts due to compression and installed anti-peeling sheets. As for the reason why it broke...

I repaired the part that was hit by my car. The tires are in contact and the corner is chip ↓ Weak...

I want to adjust the height of the completed concrete wall... The reason is a design change or exterior change, sometimes...

Hello. This time, we have been repairing the exposed concrete wall. Repair once by another company ...

Newly made concrete structure ...

[New video on YouTube] ◯ "Who is the rust and lye on the construction?

Repairing the difference in level at the crown of levee This time, we repaired the part where the difference in level was created on the concrete wall .・ ・ ・

When placing concrete, the formwork is misaligned and tilted ...