Repairing the difference in level at the crown of levee of the concrete wall 2021/01/10

Repairing difference in level at the crown of levee

This time, we repaired the part where the concrete wall had a difference in level.


Before construction.

One side of the upper part (left of Eras) rises above the standard height,

One side of the lower part (right of Eras) was down.



The upper part is scraped off to match the standard height, and the high-strength resin mortar "Alpron HM" is applied to the lower part.

I will trowel-coating more.

Make a small cut on the surface to improve adhesion

Clean after chipping.


Apply "Alpron W-305" as an adhesive and








Add trowel-coating "Alplon HM" to the standard height according to the frame.

After it is completely hardening, the surface is polishing with a diamond cup.








Polish and clean while polishing the level using a level

Next, knead the "Repair Resin" to become a toro

trowel-coating a thin coat on the surface.

When the Repair Resin is completely dry,

polishing with a "Level Grinding Wheel" # 80 and level it polishing.

After cleaning, "C Repair Lining"

trowel-coating the edges with a thin sheet of paper.

After that, spray "C Repair Color",

Once you have a pattern, you're done.


After construction