Repair trace re-repair and color adjustment / exposed concrete repair 2018/09/29

[Re-repair of repair marks and color adjustment / repair of exposed concrete]

Business content this time

Symptoms Re-repair of repair marks, joint pattern, minor honeycomb, difference in level repairs of joints, burrs on face wood, etc.

Construction area approx. 45 m2 (full / partial finish including foundation)

Construction time 2 days

Artificial 4 Artificial

polishing Material Concrete surface polishing grindstone# 36 Rough grinding type # 80 Medium sharpening type  

repair material Repair Resin light gray C repelling lining

Primer Cation-based substrate adjustment Primer Royal W21

color matching Matching C Lipe Color # 6 Dark Yellow Tone Color Black, Yellow / Patterned pattern Large, Petite

Before construction (repair traces are repaired 1)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (repair of repair marks 2)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (repair of difference in level in joints)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (darkening tone)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (color repair of joint pattern 1)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (color repair of joint pattern 2)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (color repair of joint pattern 3)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (repair of repair marks 1)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (repair of repair marks 2)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

Before construction (repair of repair marks 3)

Unleashed repair trace color matching

After construction

Unleashed repair trace color matching

It was Sakai, the on-site reporter.